- User Guides
- Getting Started
- Organization Chart
- Job Descriptions
- Four Key Functions
- Four Key Functions
- Sub Functions
- Adding Processes to the Four Functions
- Deleting Processes
- Moving Processes from One Key Function to Another
- Moving / Recording Processes within a Key Function
- Printing Process Lists
- Process Color Identification
- Mark a Process as Complete
- Adding From a Process Library
- Process Documentation Tools
- Documenting Work Processes
- Edit Title and Objective of Process
- Creating New Process Tools
- Editing Existing Process Tools
- Delete a Process Tool
- The Deleted Folder
- Archiving a Process Tool and The Archive Folder
- Printing Process Tools
- Saving Process Tools
- Reordering Process Tools
- Inserting a Hyperlink
- Building Work Plans
- Deleting Tasks and Expectations
- Editing Existing Tasks and Expectations
- Check Lists
- Scripts
- Upload Files
- Documents
- Custom Forms
- Policy Notes
- Video
- Audio
- Using AI to Build Process Tools
- Control Panel
- Management Review
- Process Assignment
- Reports
- Account Administration
- User Settings
- Training Webinars
- How to Videos
- Contact Support
Sidenote: My Processes was formally titled The Control Panel
My Processes gives users access to the processes they are responsible for. They can use these processes for training, as a reference if they forget how to do a task, and to follow, track, and complete their work interactively.
Managers can also assign processes to employees if they need guidance, a reminder on how to complete a task, or clarification on company policies.
When a user selects a Process Tool, a trackable copy is created for them. For example, clicking on a Checklist generates a version they can complete and save. Finished tools are stored in a saved folder, organized by date, and can be retrieved for review later.
My Processes helps employees stay focused on required processes, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
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