Process assignment video tutorial for staff/employees (How to complete an Assignment)

When you receive an email notification or notice the assignment icon on your dashboard  you have been assigned a process.

Log into Touchstone or select the log in link in your notification email.

Select your position for the Control Panel

You will then see your process lists on the left and your assignments on the right.

Note: If you want to view or even complete your processes you can select them from the process lists on the left but IF YOU HAVE AN ASSIGNMENT choose the process title in the assignments window to the right.

You will either be assigned the whole process/every tool in it (workplans, checklists, forms etc..) and that process will have one due date. Note: if you are assigned a entire process and you can see multiple tools in the assignment you must complete every tools on at a time.

Or you will be assigned a tool within the process like a checklist.

Select the notes icon to view assignment notes made by your manager.

Select the assigned tool.

Complete the “save as” and notes field is required. The “save as” can be searched for when running a report. Use this if it makes sense for the process you’re completing. Note: All tools will display the date and time once saved. 

Complete the notes field if you have notes that you would like you manager to see. 

If you do not complete the “save as” or “notes” field you will get a reminder when you save. Note: once the tool is saved and completed the only way to add a “save as” or “note” is to uncomplete it.

If the tool is complete then select “save and complete” 

If the tool is not completely finished and ready to be viewed by your manager select “Save” Note: if a tool is “saved” your manager will not receive a notification that it is completed. 

Once a tool is “saved” but not completed it can be accessed for competition back in the assignments window. 

Completed Assignments

Completed assignments can be viewed in the completed assignments window. Completed assignments will appear in date order.

The assignment notes can be viewed by selecting the notes icon. 

Select the completed assignment to review or if you decide that it is not actually complete. On the completed assignments view an assignment can be “uncompleted”. Once an assignment is uncompleted the tool can be edited, “save as” and “notes” changed, and then recompleted. Note: when a completed assignment is “uncompleted” it is removed from your manager’s completed assignment for you and appears back in your assignments window. 

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