1. From “My Processes”, select a Process.
  2. Select a Process tool.
  3. Enter a title or name for the completed item in the “Save As” field at the top of the Process Tool. This helps identify the process tool and makes it searchable in the saved folder. If left blank, TouchStone will use the current date and time as the title.
  4. Enter any relevant information or report progress in the “Notes” field. This can include task progress, exceptions, or issues encountered.
  5. Save: Click the “Save” button to save your work. The completed date and time will be recorded.

    Note: TouchStone uses your computer’s date and time settings to generate timestamps. This ensures accurate records even if local times are adjusted.

    Note: Use the cookie crumb trail to navigate back and forth form “My Processes” to the Process, to the Process tools(work plan, checklist, etc.)


Policy Note – Notes and Completion Date are saved and the Policy Note is also displayed.

Check List – Notes and Date Completed are saved and displayed as is the actual Check List completed.

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