1. Different types of Reports are available to you. All of the report types are explained below.
    • Process Reports
      • Documentation Status (what percentage of processes are currently documented, started, or not started
      • “Not Linked” (the processes that have not been
        linked to a position)
      • Last Updated (the date the processes were last updated)

        NOTE: The “Last Updated” Date is also shown on the processes tools page
      • Export (an export of all of your process from the Four Key Functions)
    • My Reports
      • You can search for tasks you’ve completed on the dashboard. “Completed” means you’ve used them, like filling out a checklist or form, or watching a video. Anything you’ve completed and used while working or training.
    • My Employee Reports ( Allows a manager to see the work completed by their employees on the dashboard)
  2. Choose whether you want to run the report in My Report(your own work) or My Employees (your employees work):
    • My Report: Shows the work you’ve completed.
    • My Employees Report: Allows a manager to see the work completed by their employees.
  3. Select your criteria to filter the report. You can choose one criteria or multiple. Choose none/leave blank to run a report for all processes and/ore all employees.
    • Start Date: Search for work completed after a specific date.
    • End Date: Search for work completed before a specific date.
    • Save As: Search for what the process was saved as. 
    • Position (only on My Reports): Choose the position or positions you have access to. 
      NOTE: Usually, you will only have one position assigned but if you fill more than one position on the Organization Chart, you might have multiple positions assigned. Choose the position that you used when you completed the process you are searching for.
    • User: (only for My Employees Reports), select the employee you want to report on. Choose none or leave blank to run a report of all employees
    • Process Tool Type: Run a report of a specific process tool template. Like all checklists or workplans, etc. 

  4. Select “Run Report” to see results

Click a process tool title to go to the process in My Processes or My employees